by Carmen Champion | Apr 17, 2024 | Carmen Champion, Weekly Letter
Early in my teaching career, I was talking about the concept of light & dark in a general sense to a group of students. One of my students was very upset by this concept and expressed their belief yoga was only good and happy and peaceful. The thought of yoga...
by Carmen Champion | Apr 10, 2024 | Carmen Champion, Weekly Letter
When I think back to my early days as a new practioner, attending the Washington Street studio for classes, I largely remember the light in the room. The way it moved through you as though a blanket of warm, safe energy reaching to hold you. My early days of practice...
by Carmen Champion | Apr 3, 2024 | Carmen Champion, Weekly Letter
In reflection after a weekend away with my husband, we were talking about what we love to do when we travel or go places and I surmised that we go for an authentic experience. I struggle with places that are too stark and crave places that have color or character. As...
by Carmen Champion | Mar 27, 2024 | Carmen Champion, Weekly Letter
I read something recently that said something along the lines of, ‘the obstacles are part of the journey. There will always be obstacles in the path. The practice is navigating around them.” Everything wants to get in your way-no matter the goal. But the exercise of...
by Carmen Champion | Mar 20, 2024 | Carmen Champion, Weekly Letter
As we go through the practice, alone on the mat. Sometimes finding our minds quiet, sometimes not. The practice asks us to observe, but it doesn’t tell us what to examine exactly. Your teacher offers you things to consider and its up to you to assign what that idea...