by Carmen Champion | Nov 8, 2017 | Carmen Champion, Pranakriya, Samadhi, Teacher Article, Yogic Journey
Samadhi is the state of ecstasy or the pinnacle of yoga. This is not achieved by putting your foot behind your head, but by dedicated practice. The best definition of samadhi I’ve ever received is this: samadhi is achieved when all of our filters are removed. By that,...
by Carmen Champion | Jun 7, 2017 | Carmen Champion, Pranakriya, Teacher Article, Yoga Teacher Training, Yogic Journey
Sitting with two fellow yoga teachers (both of which have multiple 500hr certifications) having lunch, the conversation turned to one of a qualifying nature. By qualifying, I mean, ‘who the hell are we to tell people what yoga is?’ This conversation can at times...
by Carmen Champion | Dec 21, 2015 | Pranakriya, Yoga Teacher Training
Pranakriya classes and programs are based on the Hatha Yoga teachings of Swami Kripalu. Swami Kripalu was an ascetic yogi whose intensive practices led him to a very deep understanding of yoga, which he passed on to his students. The teachings of Swami Kripalu are...