by Carmen Champion | Aug 1, 2016 | Asana, Teacher Talk, Yogic Journey
Welcome to a new series brought to you by the MSY teachers! Each of our teachers offer a different flavor to their classes and when a student (as we are all students) are working on different postures-it can be nice to get a few perspectives to feel reassurance we...
by Carmen Champion | Jul 18, 2016 | Asana, Teacher Talk
Welcome to a new series brought to you by the MSY teachers! Each of our teachers offer a different flavor to their classes and when a student (as we are all students) are working on different postures-it can be nice to get a few perspectives to feel reassurance we...
by Carmen Champion | Jan 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
MSY Mission Statement: Committed to creating a safe and sacred community moving together through the journey of self. I want to begin by welcoming you all to the new Main Street Yoga. The MSY teachers and I have been working very hard to recreate a space that honors...
by Carmen Champion | Dec 21, 2015 | Yoga Teacher Training
The Center for Integrative Yoga Studies (CIYS) is a collaboration between yoga teachers, yoga therapists and integrative healthcare professionals founded by Marlysa Sullivan, Tra Kirkpatrick and Holle Black. Over the past 5 years we have developed and honed a yoga...