by Carmen Champion | Jan 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
Good afternoon,I hope this note finds you well and healthy. With the omicron variant out there, I felt I needed to check in with you about in person classes and make some updates to ensure everyone’s safety. In order to keep everyone safe, for the time being:...
by Carmen Champion | Nov 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hi there! We’re a few days into November and there is something about this month that almost feels like the beginning of a race. Lots of things happen in a short amount of time and we’re just trying to keep up. Time feels evasive and the expectations are...
by Carmen Champion | Oct 17, 2021 | Carmen Champion, List, Yoga Nidra, Yogic Journey
Its Sunday morning: you just woke up and are a little tired because you went to dinner with friends and stayed out later than planned and came home and crashed. This morning you wake up, the first thing you look for (if not your glasses) is your phone. What to open...
by Carmen Champion | Oct 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hi there! I hope this email finds you well, happy and peaceful-in the words of my dear friend Bhante Sujatha. The first time Bhante reached out to conduct meditation programs here at Main Street Yoga, I was a new studio owner and teacher. I’d never really been...
by Carmen Champion | Aug 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
What to do to get ready for teacher training? If you are someone seriously looking to take our 200hour Yoga Teacher Training, this article is for you. I get a lot of questions from potential 200hr students about how to best prepare themselves for the program. I...