Weekly Letter: Seeing the themes

A couple weeks ago, I felt I was having many conversations with the same theme. It was uncanny how much it was coming up. And maybe this was me interjecting logical fallacies to work with something I had been stewing on, but because the conversations were more...
A letter to my younger self

A letter to my younger self

I was listening to a podcast a couple years ago I still think about from time to time. I believe it was Kristin Bell who was talking about therapy. She mentioned a ‘common’ exercise therapists use, which is writing your younger self a letter. I’ve been in and out of...

You learn it as you don’t know it.

I’ve been blessed to have some amazing conversations in my profession that really flex the range of human experience. Sometimes the conversations delve into a spiritual place and sometimes more practical. This week I was talking to a client who is in the final phase...