Weekly Letter: Nice vs Real

My best friend, Lisa, told me once that I remind her of the kid from the story The Emperor’s New Clothes. She meant it as a compliment and I took it that way. In fact, she took it to such heart, it has reinforced our relationship for over 20 years and counting. In...

Weekly Letter: Seeing the themes

A couple weeks ago, I felt I was having many conversations with the same theme. It was uncanny how much it was coming up. And maybe this was me interjecting logical fallacies to work with something I had been stewing on, but because the conversations were more...
A letter to my younger self

A letter to my younger self

I was listening to a podcast a couple years ago I still think about from time to time. I believe it was Kristin Bell who was talking about therapy. She mentioned a ‘common’ exercise therapists use, which is writing your younger self a letter. I’ve been in and out of...