Weekly Letter: First Experiences

At what point do we stop having first experiences? When do we avoid anything new because it’s safe or comfortable? Last week I had 3 different first-time experiences. All by choice, I feel I should add. I made these plans and kept all of them. All 3 are distinctively...

Weekly Letter: Changing the View

A change of scenery. Sometimes that’s all it takes to find the space in your mind to reset. Last weekend, my husband and I went to Chicago for a quick trip. The goal was to walk. Some people love to hike nature, we like to trek cities. We both were feeling a bit taxed...

Weekly Letter: The Cleansing Light of Spring

The opening line of Alfred Domett’s poem, A Glee for Winter I think of every year around this time when Spring teases us with her arrival. “Hence, rude Winter! Crabbed old fellow, Never merry, never mellow! Well-a-day! in rain and snow What will keep one’s heart...