Weekly Letter: Simplifying what yoga is

I love it when I see things that try to simplify yoga, by saying, ‘Yoga is really about [insert overly simplified concept here]. I’m sure I’m guilty of saying it too. And there are a lot of ways to try to simplify yoga down to a simple idea. Yoga is about being...

Weekly Letter: Ways I Ground

I think many of you know my husband and I have been doing a slow-moving kitchen remodel. It’s slow, so we don’t lose the function of the kitchen, but if you’ve ever gone through anything similar, it also means other rooms are serving more than one purpose. I am...

Weekly Letter: Yoga is quiet stillness

Yoga isn’t loud. Yoga is a quiet stillness, always present, patient. But we are not a patient society and to be conscious of the push/pull, it can make the yoga seem passive aggressive. But its not. It greets you without judgement. It waits and embraces you when you...

Weekly Letter: First Experiences

At what point do we stop having first experiences? When do we avoid anything new because it’s safe or comfortable? Last week I had 3 different first-time experiences. All by choice, I feel I should add. I made these plans and kept all of them. All 3 are distinctively...